Our blog has operate some time, in here i cloud like to take a good opportunity on saying thank for those reader and follower our blog. To show our sincerely our blog e-typo will host a contest to given you an opportunity to win an awesome prize, all the detail such as prize and how we pick a winner will be announce on come soon post because we have not yet decide until we has confine all the information. In here i like to stated down the term and condition first to given you an idea what we will be going.
Contest Term and Condition:-
1.In this Contest prize draws are open to subscribers to E-typo.blogspot.com the E-typo.blogspot.com service only who are aged 18 years or over and are resident in the Malaysia except the member of E-typo.blogspot.com, their families, agents or anyone else professionally associated with E-typo.blogspot.com.
2. It is a condition of entry that all rules are accepted as final and that the competitor agrees to abide by these rules. The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.
3. To enter a E-typo Contest, entrants must complete that Crossword puzzle and submit their entry via the contest web which will provide by e-typo.blogspot.com. Winners of each prize puzzle prize draw will be selected at random from all correctly completed entries received by the advertised closing date for that crossword puzzle.
4. Subscribers may enter each crossword puzzle draw once per day only.
5. Incomplete or incorrect prize puzzles will not be entered into the prize draw. Proof of transmission will not be accepted as proof of receipt. A list of the winners’ names will be published on the e-typo.blogspot.com.
6. Winners will be notified via the prize winners list on e-typo.blogspot.com Blogspot and shall receive their prizes within first weeks of publication.
7. The prizes as described are available on the dates of publication.
8. All prizes are non transferable.
9. Winners may be required to participate in publicity.
10. Events may occur that render a crossword puzzle draw itself or the awarding of a prize impossible due to reasons beyond the control of the Promoter and accordingly the Promoter may at its absolute discretion vary or amend the promotion and the entrant agrees that no liability shall attach to the Promoter as a result thereof.
Promoter: e-typo.blogspot.com